Sunday, 22 April 2012

PADI open water diver course

I forgot to mention in my last post that today (Saturday 21st) I was to start my PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) open water diver course. The PADI franchise operates around the whole world. After studying the first two sections in my own time and answering a quiz at the end of each heading, today I had to do a classroom session giving the answer's to ten questions on each section. Out of the twenty questions I answered seventeen correctly, so allowing me to carry on and do two pool dives (Confined water dives) If I only answered sixteen or less questions correctly I wouldn't have been able to go ahead with the pool dives, so I passed; phew!

I then had to complete two pool dives, putting into practise all that I had learnt in the instruction manual. Before my classroom session, I was chomping at 'the bit' to get my feet wet. I felt just a little apprehensive as Drew, my instructor, led me towards the pool, as I only got through by the skin of my teeth. I need not have worried, as apart from two or three minor mistakes, one that had me choking on what felt like half the contents of the pool, it was a piece of piss. No I don't mean the water tasted like piss or I had a piss! No, I mean the two pool dives were a doddle and I loved every minute of it.

My instructors partner kindly took a few photographs with my camera, which she drooled over as soon as she set eyes on it. Not literally of course but I would have forgiven her anyway as the pictures she took are fabulous as you can see below.

Almost ready to put on the diving gear

Get out of it, you mean I'm going to do all those things and in the right order? I'm havin a laugh!

So where is the wreck that's full of treasure then?

That's me on the left, just about to go deep pool diving, all of two metre's

Is that a shark? If it is I'm outta here sharpish!

Suzy, Drew and Carolines dog snoozing in the shade by the pool

Washing off all the gear. Note Drew's tank, tut tut!

After a quick shower, a change back into my shorts, a cup of coffee and a fag, Drew went over what I learnt over the two dives, the mistakes I made and it was time to head home. I am still 'swimming' in the after-glow of my days experience, heading toward my qulification as a open water diver. I now have to read through and take in three more sections of the diving manual. I can then sit the next tests, after which comes the best bit, four open dives under instruction with Drew. The two pool dives were a fantastic experience and I've no doubt the open dives off a boat on the Mediterranian will 'blow my mind!

P.S. For anyone who does not recognise me, I'm the one without the goatee. I shaved it off because it makes a face mask leak even more than they usually do.

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