…was not ringing in Boysie’s ears on Wednesdays visit to the vet. No, it was more like, where have my nuts gone? Yes, poor young Boysie lost his manhood as he was spayed. Ah, poor Boysie. The vet who performed the operation was full of praise, saying she has never seen such a well-behaved and laid-back animal, before and even after the procedure. Praise indeed for a dog ‘off the street.’ For a whole week he has to wear a dreaded collar (See photos) so he cannot remove the stitches in his groin. Of course, the collar at its largest diameter catches everywhere he walks and has already put several scratches on my legs as I wear shorts for most of the day. I have also to apply iodine to the area twice a day to stop infection setting in. Roll on next Wednesday when the collar can be removed.
Taken late afternoon on Wednesday when he was still very sleepy from anaesthetic
I'm not amused!
Today Boysie is more like himself but of course he cannot judge the width of the collar and is prone to catch it even more with his increased pace about the house. Never mind, this time next week it will all be behind him; well, apart from his nuts that is! :-)
P.S. He has just had his first shit since I bought him home and as he can't lick his arse..........I had to.........wipe it for him (Well you didn't think I was going to do it for him did you? I love him to bits but not that much!) The look on his eyes was priceless :-)
P.S. He has just had his first shit since I bought him home and as he can't lick his arse..........I had to.........wipe it for him (Well you didn't think I was going to do it for him did you? I love him to bits but not that much!) The look on his eyes was priceless :-)
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