Sunday, 11 December 2011


Last Monday around 11am I got a phone call from my childhood friend and her husband who live in South Cyprus that they were at the border crossing to the North and wanted directions to my place. I bounced up and down with excitement, especially as it was also my birthday. I proudly showed them round my villa after which we went for a lovely meal at a local restaurant (Your turn to pay next time!) We then visited my dear friend (118 Vicky 118) at the Black Olive. A lovely day and a nice surprise on my sixty-first birthday :-)

I can't remember mentioning it before but I now have electricity and therefore water as well. I don't like to moan. Oh yes you do. Oh no I don't. Oh yes you bloody well do! (It's that time of the year I'm afraid) Oh OK then, it took two and a half fucking months to get the electricity installed and connected! So now I can get on with sorting out some of the niggles with my villa; like water pissing in through the windows and the bottom of all the outside doors (The gaps are so huge in places I get an army of all kinds of creepy crawlies sharing the place with me!) The list is endless but I have time on my hands plus I love a challenge. Oh no you don’t. Oh fuck off, I’m getting bored now! :-) The first thing on my to-do-list was to clean out and sterilise the fridge which took me half a day as it was caked with two years of gunge and mould. I then spent the rest of the day doing the first round of 'spring cleaning.’ Round two starts as soon as I’ve finished this post.

After hint after hint from my dear Brov, I’ve decided to return to the UK to spend Christmas with him and his family. So I fly out on the 19 December. I’m booked to return on the 9 January but as it would be rude to ignore my dear friends in the UK and Isle of Man I’m going to change my return flight to the 16 January.

This will probably be the last post for at least a couple of weeks, unless something major happens between now and then but let’s hope not hey?

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